Vladimir Sergeevich Ulaschik (03.02.1943, v. Valitskovschina, Minsk region – 17.01.2018). A scientist in the field of physical medicine. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2009; corresponding member since 1989), Doctor of Medical Sciences (1974), Professor (1980). Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus (1996).
The main scientific studies are devoted to the problems of physical medicine and medical technology. He studied the mechanisms and patterns of action on the body of a number of physical factors (direct current, ultrasound, microwaves, mineral waters, therapeutic mud, etc.), developed the general principles of modern physical therapy and proposed new physiotherapeutic methods and devices. Scientifically substantiated the concept of integrated use of physical factors with preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation goals. Developed a series of questions in the general theory of physiotherapy. Contributed to the development of a new direction - the optimization of therapeutic effects in medicine. Co-author of the discovery "Pattern of acoustic oscillations of the brain." Effective methods and methods of treatment developed by him and his staff were included in the methodological recommendations (more than 20) and are successfully used in many therapeutic, prophylactic and sanatorium-and-spa establishments. In medical institutions of the republic and the CIS countries are widely used physiotherapy equipment developed by him.
Author of over 600 works, incl. 35 monographs, textbooks and manuals, 80 inventions and patents, 25 physiotherapeutic devices.
State Prize of the BSSR in 1986 for the complex of works on the theory and methods of ultrasound therapy, performed in 1967-1983.
Awarded with a medal.