National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Petr Ivanovich Yascheritsyn (30.06.1915, Lyudinovo, Kaluga region, Russia – 05.09.2005), a scientist in the field of mechanical engineering. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1974; corresponding member since 1969), Doctor of Engineering Sciences (1963), Professor (1964). Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the BSSR (1972). Honorary Doctor of the Slovak Higher Technical School (1976) and the Belarusian Polytechnic Academy (1995).

Works on the impact of technological heredity on the performance properties of machine parts, mechanical engineering technology, improvement of finishing operations for machining parts, production technology of rolling bearings, reliability of transport equipment of automated lines.

Author of more than 550 scientific papers, incl. 27 monographs.

State Prize of the BSSR in 1978 for organizing the production of high-tech hydraulic equipment based on the introduction of a complex of scientific, technical and organizational measures at the Gomel Production Association "Gidroavtomatika".

Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1971), the October Revolution (1975), the Red Banner of Labor (1967), Friendship of Peoples (1985), and medals.

Major papers:

  1. Надежность транспортных устройств автоматических линий. Мн., 1966 (совм. с В.С. Мадорским).
  2. Основы технологии механической обработки и сборки в машиностроении. Мн.: Вышэйшая школа, 1974.
  3. Скоростное внутреннее шлифование. Мн.: Наука и техника, 1980 (в соавт. с И.П. Караимом).
  4. Чистовая обработка деталей в машиностроении. Мн.: Вышэйшая школа, 1983 (с соавт. с А.Н. Мартыновым).
  5. Технологические основы обработки изделий в магнитном поле. Мн.: ФТИ, 1997 (в соавт.).
  6. Теория резания. 2 изд. Мн.: Новое знание, 2006 (в соавт.).
  7. Основы проектирования технологических комплексов в машиностроении. Мн.: Технопринт, 2006 (в соавт.).
  8. Основы резания материалов. Мн.: БГАТУ, 2008 (с соавт. с В.Д. Ефремовым).