National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

ZAKREVSKY Arkady Dmitrievich

Arkady Dmitrievich Zakrevsky (b. 22.05.1928, Leningrad, Russia), a scientist in the field of technical cybernetics and computer science. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1972), Doctor of Engineering Sciences (1967), Professor (1969).

Works on automata theory, system programming, logical-combinatorial methods in engineering and computer science. He proposed a programming language for logical problems of LYAPAS, on the basis of which a series of computer-aided design of discrete devices was created, and methods for implementing parallel algorithms for the logical control of interacting processes. He developed a series of practically efficient algorithms for minimizing Boolean functions and systems, solving large systems of logical equations and overdetermined systems of linear logical equations with applications in logical synthesis and information protection. He generalized the methods of the theory of Boolean functions to finite predicates, developed a logical approach to pattern recognition in the space of Boolean and multivalued attributes.

Author of 500 scientific papers, incl. 23 monographs.

Awarded with medals.

Major papers:

  1. LYaPAS: A programming language for logic and coding algorithms. N.-Y.; L.: Academic Press, 1969 (with M.A.Gavrilov).
  2. Алгоритмы синтеза дискретных автоматов. М.: Наука, 1971.
  3. Логические уравнения. Мн., 1975; 2 изд. М.: Едиториал УРСС, 2003.
  4. Логический синтез каскадных схем. М.: Наука, 1981.
  5. Boolesche Gleichungen: Theorie, Anwendung, Algorithmen. Berlin: VEB Verlag Technik, 1984 (mit D.Bochmann, Ch.Posthoff).
  6. Логика распознавания. Мн., 1988; 2 изд. М.: Едиториал УРСС, 2003.
  7. Параллельные алгоритмы логического управления. Мн., 1999; 2 изд. М.: Едиториал УРСС, 2003.
  8. Полиномиальная реализация частичных булевых функций и систем. Мн., 2001 (совм. с Н.Р.Тороповым).
  9. Основы логического проектирования: В 3 кн. (совм. с Ю.В. Потлосиным, Л.Д. Черемисиновой). Мн.: ОИПИ НАН Беларуси, 2004-2006.
  10. Логические основы проектирования дискретных устройств. М.: Физматлит, 2007 (с ними же).
  11. Design of logical control devices. TUT Press, 2009 (with Yu. Pottosin, L. Cheremisinova).