National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

ZAMOTIN Ivan Ivanovich

ZAMOTIN Ivan Ivanovich

Ivan Ivanovich Zamotin (01.11.1873, v. Kriulina, Bezhetsk District, Tver Region, Russia – 25.05.1942), literary critic Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1928), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). Doctor of Philological Sciences (1934).

Author of works on the history of Russian literature of the XIX - early XX century. The most significant works are devoted to Russian romanticism of the 1820–1830s in connection with Western European literature, the establishment of a realistic method in Russian literature of the 1840–1860s (works by V. Belinsky, N. Chernyshevsky, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy). He studied the history and theory of Belarusian literature, the works of Y. Kupala, Y. Kolas, M. Bogdanovich, T. Garth. Engaged in methods of teaching literature.

Author of more than 70 scientific papers, incl. 5 monographs.

Major papers:

  1. Сороковые и шестидесятые годы. Очерки по истории русской литературы XIX столетия. Варшава, 1911.
  2. Романтизм двадцатых годов XIX стол. в русской литературе. Т.1-2. 2 изд. СПб.; М., 1911-1913.
  3. Мастацкая лiтаратура ў школьным выкладаннi: Метадычныя нарысы. Вып. 1-2. Мн.: Белдзяржвыд, 1927-1928.
  4. А.С. Пушкiн: Нарыс жыцця i творчасцi. Мн.: Выд-ва АН БССР, 1937.
  5. Творы: Літаратурна-крытычныя артыкулы. Мн.: Мастацкая лiтаратура, 1991.