Nikolay Yemelyanovich Zayats (04.01.1943, v. Stradechi, Brest district, Brest region – 27.04.2004), a scientist in economics and finance. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2003), Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus (1996–2002). Doctor of Economic Sciences (1991), Professor (1993). Honored Economist of the Republic of Belarus (1998).
Scientific work in the field of financial, credit and tax policy, monetary and budgetary regulation, pricing, economics and finance of the agro-industrial complex. He headed the research teams to develop projects of the Tax Code and the concept of budget formation included in the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Budget"; a pilot program for insuring loans issued for innovative purposes; over the years led the work on the quarterly monitoring of trends in the macroeconomic sphere; participated in the development of the program of financial recovery of the economy of the Republic of Belarus, adopted by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus for implementation. He is the coordinator of the state program "National Economy and Development Strategy", editor-in-chief, scientific consultant, one of the founders of the scientific and practical journal "Finance, Accounting, Audit". Under his leadership, for the first time in the Republic of Belarus, textbooks on the theory of finance, taxes, finance companies and others.
Author of more than 130 scientific papers, incl. 3 monographs, 12 textbooks.