Arkady Iosifovich Zhuravsky (05.08.1924, v. Yanovo, Tolochin district, Vitebsk region – 09.01.2009), linguist. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1980). Doctor of Philological Sciences (1968), Professor (1970). Honored Scientist of the BSSR (1978). During the Great Patriotic War - member of the partisan movement.
He researched the history of the Belarusian language and Belarusian linguistics. First in Slavic linguistics, he proved the existence of the Belarusian version of the Church Slavonic language in the Old Belarusian period, analyzed the language of figures of the Belarusian culture of the past (F. Skaryna, S. Budny, V. Tyapinsky, etc.). Studies the issues of normalization of the modern Belarusian literary language.
Author of over 300 scientific papers, incl. 15 monographs and dictionaries.
State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in 1994 for the cycle of works "Skorina and Belarusian Culture".
Awarded with the Order of the Patriotic War of the II degree (1985), the medal of Francisk Skaryna.