Yusuf Khwaja Hamied (b. 25.07.1936, Vilnius, Lithuania) - a scientist in the field of organic chemistry and pharmaceuticals, a businessman. Honorary Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2017). Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1960). Honorary Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2011, UK). Honorary Doctor of Science of the Cambridge University (2014).
Research and development in the field of pharmaceuticals, the organization of pharmacological assistance to poor citizens of developing countries. He organized the production of drugs to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, asthma and other serious illnesses of patients in the poorest countries of the world. Carried out the development of children's medicines for patients from poor countries. These innovations greatly facilitated access to medicines and played a key role in improving drug safety by providing medicines in appropriate doses. Led efforts to eradicate AIDS in developing countries and provide patients with essential medicines, regardless of their ability to pay.
Awarded with the Order of Padma Bhushan (2005, India).