National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Presentation of the first volume of the Anthology of the National Choral Heritage of Belarus takes place

On May 22, 2024, the NAS of Belarus hosted the presentation of the first volume of the Anthology of the National Choral Heritage of Belarus, prepared by the staff of the Department of Musical and Performing Arts of the Centre for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches. The anthology of the national choral heritage is being published for the first time. Its content will contribute to the systematic filling of "blank pages" in the history of Belarusian music. The event...

Изменен: 23.05.2024

Presentation takes place of the first volume of the book "Xi Jinping on Public Administration" in the Belarusian language at the NAS of Belarus

On December 20, 2023, the NAS of Belarus hosted the presentation of the first volume of the book "Xi Jinping on Public Administration" in Belarusian, as well as a symposium on public administration in China and Belarus. The event was attended by prominent political figures from China and Belarus, representatives of the scientific community, students, scientists, and experts. Within the framework of the symposium, which took place immediately after the presentation, the forum participants...

Изменен: 21.12.2023

Press Presentation of First Book “National Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War: We Remember Everyone!” Takes Place

On the 8th of July, 2020, the National Press Centre of the Republic of Belarus hosted a press presentation of the first book “National Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War: We Remember Everyone!”. The event participants included Alexander Kovalenya, the Academician Secretary of the Department of Humanities and Arts of the NASB, Vyacheslav Danilovich, the Director of the Institute of History, and Alexey Litvin, the Head of Military History Department of the Institute of History. On the 8th of July...

Изменен: 08.07.2020
press conference , presentations

NAS of Belarus invites to presentation of first domestic complex of specialized machines for flax harvesting mechanization

On 29 August 2019, at 11:00 a.m., a presentation of the first domestic complex of specialized machines for flax harvesting mechanization will be held on the basis of the Shklov Flax Factory (Mogilev region, a field of the Shklov Flax Factory near the villages of Popovka and Trosno). On 29 August 2019, at 11:00 a.m., a presentation of the first domestic complex of specialized machines for flax harvesting mechanization will be held on the basis of the Shklov Flax Factory (Mogilev region, a field...

Изменен: 28.08.2019
announcements , presentations

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