On November 27–28, 2024, the NAS of Belarus hosted a scientific and practical seminar on the Topical Issues of the Poultry Processing Industry and the Development of the Poultry and Poultry Products Market. The event was attended by scientists from the Department of Agrarian Sciences of the NAS of Belarus, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus, the Republican Centre for Hygiene, Epidemiology...
Изменен: 28.11.2024The staff of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the NAS of Belarus organized and conducted two seminars on conduct of matters in conditions of radioactive contamination of territories for agricultural specialists and representatives of peasant households (farms), agricultural and (radio)environmental workers, as well as other interested persons ...
Изменен: 02.10.2023The delegation of the NAS of Belarus took part in the regional seminar Intellectual Property is a Key Factor of Integration in the Eurasian Space, which was held on June 13–14 on the basis of the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve Niasvizh. Alexander Kilchevsky, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus, delivered a welcoming speech. The delegation of the NAS of Belarus took part in the regional seminar Intellectual Property is a Key Factor of Integration in the Eurasian...
Изменен: 15.06.2023The primary organizations of the Belarusian Women's Union of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and OOO Magic of Light held a seminar Interaction of Science and Entrepreneurship as a Source of Growth and Strengthening of The Modern Economy on the basis of the production site. The primary organizations of the Belarusian Women's Union of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and OOO Magic of Light held a seminar Interaction of Science and Entrepreneurship as a Source of Growth and...
Изменен: 15.05.2023On April 21, 2023, the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus hosted a scientific seminar Demographic Security in The Face of New Challenges and Risks, organized by the Institute of Economics of the NAS of Belarus, the Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Belarus and the Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. On April 21, 2023, the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus hosted a scientific seminar Demographic...
Изменен: 26.04.2023On March 22, 2023 at 10.00 at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Akademičnaja str., 27), a seminar Genomic Technologies: Application Practice (Crop Production, Animal Husbandry) will be held. On March 22, 2023 at 10.00 at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Akademičnaja str., 27), a seminar Genomic Technologies: Application Practice (Crop Production, Animal Husbandry) will be held...
Изменен: 16.03.2023Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, together with the State Public Historical Library of Russia, invite to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Seminar Historical Book Collections in the State Funds of Belarus and Russia, which will be held on March 16, 2023 at 10:00. Venue – Minsk, Surhanava str., 15, Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Information and Exhibition Center, room 110. Yakub...
Изменен: 13.03.2023On February 16, 2023, the fourth seminar was held, completing a series of joint thematic seminars between the organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India (CSIR), this time on technical sciences. On February 16, 2023, the fourth seminar was held, completing ...
Изменен: 20.02.2023On February 14, 2023, the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus hosted a scientific and practical seminar The Contribution of Women Scientists to The Development of Scientific Knowledge, dedicated to the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, where the importance of women's participation in the production of scientific knowledge in various branches of national science was discussed. On February 14, 2023, the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific...
Изменен: 15.02.2023On February 14, 2023, at 15:00, a scientific and practical seminar The Contribution of Women Scientists to The Development of Scientific Knowledge will be held, the purpose of which is to actualize the importance of women's participation in the production of scientific knowledge in various branches of science. The seminar is timed to coincide with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. On February 14, 2023, at 15:00, a scientific and practical seminar The Contribution of Women Scientists...
Изменен: 10.02.2023... sciences for subsequent implementation. The next (fourth) joint seminar between the organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and CSIR, dedicated to interaction in the field of technical sciences, which will complete a series of thematic seminars to identify promising areas for the development of cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and CSIR, is scheduled for February 16, 2023.
Изменен: 09.02.2023... Agreement on cooperation in the field of science and technology between the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and CSIR is being prepared. In order to complete the cooperation program on the basis of this agreement, the parties agreed to hold 4 joint seminars: in the field of biomedical, chemical, physical and technical sciences with the participation of organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and CSIR aimed at forming joint projects in advanced branches of science. As a follow-up ...
Изменен: 19.01.2023On December 22, 2022, the Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organized a festive scientific and practical seminar Christmas Miracles: Legends and Fairy Tales at the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library. On December 22, 2022, the Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organized a festive scientific and practical seminar Christmas Miracles:...
Изменен: 23.12.2022On December 21, 2022, at 15:00, the Belarusian Physical Society, with the support of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, is holding a Christmas seminar, at which Academician Sergey Yakovlevich Kilin will speak. On December 21, 2022, at 15:00, the Belarusian Physical Society, with the support of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, is holding a Christmas seminar, at which Academician Sergey Yakovlevich Kilin will speak. The...
Изменен: 21.12.2022Ahead of Kaliada, December 22, at 10 a.m. in the Yakub Kolas Central National Library, the Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus holds a festive scientific and practical seminar Christmas Miracles: Legends and Fairy Tales. Ahead of Kaliada, December 22, at 10 a.m. in the Yakub Kolas Central National Library, the Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches of the National Academy of Sciences...
Изменен: 19.12.2022On November 23, 2022, on behalf of the Government, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organized and held, with the participation of interested parties, an interdepartmental seminar on improving the effectiveness of training highly trained scientists (HTS). On November 23, 2022, on behalf of the Government, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organized and held, with the participation of interested parties, an interdepartmental seminar on improving the effectiveness of training...
Изменен: 25.11.2022On September 22, 2022, the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is holding a scientific and practical seminar «Coaching Tools in Science and Education». On September 22, 2022, the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is holding a scientific and practical seminar «Coaching Tools in Science and Education». Its goal is to acquaint the scientific community of the National Academy of Science – the PhD students, staff members – with...
Изменен: 20.09.2022The delegation of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus takes part in the zonal scientific and practical seminars «Field Day-2022», which are held on August 2-3, 2022 in the Blagovarsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The delegation of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus takes part in the zonal scientific and practical seminars «Field ...
Изменен: 02.08.2022On May 16–20, 2022, the state scientific institution «V.F. KUPREVICH INSTITUTE OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANICS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF BELARUS» with the participation of the state environmental institution «National Park Narochansky» holds the XII International Scientific and Practical Seminar for students, undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and employees of the specialty «Forestry» («Forestry») on the topic «Dynamics, condition and monitoring of the forest ecosystems in specially...
Изменен: 04.05.2022The Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus hosted a methodological seminar «Methodology and instrumental methods for analyzing and forecasting the influence of external and internal factors on economic growth using the tables «Input–Output». The Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus hosted a methodological seminar «Methodology and instrumental methods for analyzing and forecasting the influence of external and internal factors on economic...
Изменен: 12.04.2022On December 2, 2021, a seminar of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus (HAC) was held. More than two hundred people took part in it. These are undergraduates, postgraduates, doctoral students, supervisors, scientific secretaries of the Councils for the defense of dissertations, scientific secretaries of organizations, heads of postgraduate studies, representatives of councils of young scientists, etc. The event was moderated by Andrey Ivanovich Ivanets, Chief Scientific Secretary...
Изменен: 08.12.2021On April 29, 2021 the Belarusian Agricultural Library will host an online training seminar on the compilation and editing on the bibliographic list of scientific work, the design of links and citations. On April 29, 2021 the Belarusian Agricultural Library will host an online training seminar on the compilation and editing on the bibliographic list of scientific work, the design of links and citations. The beginning of the seminar at 10:00 a.m. The event will consist of two parts: theoretical...
Изменен: 26.04.2021On February 10, 2020, the Institute of Physiology of the NAS of Belarus held the International Belarusian-Hungarian Seminar “Health Tourism”. It involved Zsolt Csutora, the Extraordinary and Authorized Ambassador of Hungary in Belarus, Belarusian and Hungarian scientists, representatives of scientific organizations of NAS, Belarusian State Medical University, Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, experts on health tourism, representatives of health resort institution (Isloch health resort...
Изменен: 10.02.2020On 1 November 2019, the Belarusian Agricultural Library, together with Clarivate Analytics company, will host a scientific and practical seminar "Using the Web of Science Platform for Information Support of Scientific and Educational Activities." Researchers, graduate students, editors of scientific publications, and librarians are invited. The seminar will consider the following aspects: Search for scientific literature on the Web of Science platform; Establishing international partnerships...
Изменен: 29.10.2019On October 9, 2019, Moscow will host the 11th Belarusian-Russian scientific seminar “Modern Problems of Book Culture: Main Trends and Prospects of Development”, which will be held under the auspices of the Scientific Council on Book Publishing and Book Culture of the International Association of Academies of Sciences (IAAS). The seminar is organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the NAS of Belarus, the Book Culture Research Center of the...
Изменен: 07.10.2019Сортировать по релевантности | Отсортировано по дате