National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Representative of NASB Scientific and Practical Center on Livestock takes part in press conference “Livestock in Belarus: Increasing Efficiency and Expanding Export Potential”

On 23 October 2019, a press conference “Livestock in Belarus: Increasing Efficiency and Expanding Export Potential” was held at the Press Center of the Press House. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Minsk Regional Executive Committee,...

Изменен: 23.10.2019
press conference

Press House to host press conference entitled “Topical issues of scientific research: new international forums and projects”

On 26 September, at 11:00, the Press House will host a press conference entitled “Topical issues of scientific research: new international forums and projects”. As part of the press event, it is planned to present the NASB competition for the best representation of scientific achievements in the media....

Изменен: 24.09.2019
announcements , press conference

NASB scientists take part in press conference on innovative technologies in high-level sports

A press conference on “Innovative technologies in high-level sports” took place in the Press center of the Press House on 12 September. Press-conference speakers: Sergei Gubkin, Director of the Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of ...

Изменен: 12.09.2019
press conference

Historians take part in press conference dedicated to Archaeologist Day

A press conference entitled "Contemporary Belarusian archaeology: why it is important for the national science and what may be of interest to the average person?" was held at the National Press Center of the Republic of Belarus on 14 August. ...

Изменен: 14.08.2019
press conference

NASB scientists take part in press conference timed to World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

On 13 June 2019, a press conference "Problems of land degradation due to the climatic characteristics of the region and human activities. Erosion and soil depletion as a risk factor for food and economic security of Belarus" timed to the World Day to Combat Desertification ...

Изменен: 13.06.2019
press conference

Representatives of NASB Institute of History tells about arranging and holding International Scientific Conference “Operation Bagration”

On 12 June 2019, a press conference on arranging and holding International Scientific Conference “Operation Bagration (to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi occupation)” took place at the National Press Center of the Republic of Belarus. The ...

Изменен: 12.06.2019
press conference

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